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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Nehemiah 7 - Foundations of Service

“I gave my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the castle charge over Jerusalem, for he was a more faithful and God-fearing man than many." Nehemiah 7:2

God uses people that have voices that could win American Idol. He also uses people that can’t carry a tune in a bucket. God uses people that have double doctorates from prestigious seminaries. He also uses people that did not graduate High School. God uses people that have a skill for standing in front of thousands and emphatically teaching and preaching the Word of God. God also uses people that are scared to death of public speaking. So, if the skills of the above mentioned people are so disparate, then what is the common ground that God sees as worthy to serve Him? I’m glad you asked. As Nehemiah sees the walls of Jerusalem completed and the gates set into them, he prepares to exit the scene. And as he does, he needs to replace himself as the governor. As he considers his replacement, what criteria does he shop? Does he look for someone that graduated magna cum laude from an ivy league school? Nope. Does he look for someone that is tall, handsome and can preach up a storm? Nope. What about someone that is a successful businessman and is a wealthy pillar within the community? Again, a big no. Nehemiah looks not to what the world can see, but instead he looks to what God can see…their heart. And how that heart deals with Almighty God. We see that Nehemiah settled on Hanani because he was more faithful and God-fearing than the rest. Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith is knowing who God is and never wavering from that belief. Faith is knowing that a promise from God is the strongest bond in existence and then being able to readily relax and walk in that promise. Great faith in God is one of the most powerful weapons the world has ever witnessed. It can combat fear, destroy anxiety, crush depression, and banish uncertainty. It also says that Hanani was God-fearing. This is a greatly mis-understood term. Most people see a God-fearing person as a poor, pitiful form cowering in a corner because they are deathly afraid of what God may do to them if they are disobedient. It’s very different. Fearing God means “respecting, obeying, submitting to God’s discipline, and worshiping Him in great awe.” Every Christian is to fear the Lord, which doesn’t mean to be afraid of the Lord, but to be in awe of God’s glory and power.” Fearing God means standing in awe of His mercy, grace, and love. Fearing God means reverence and respect for the one that created you and every other thing in existence. As I consider my own personal fear of God it would result in me falling on my face before Him in recognition of His greatness. Folks, today you don’t have to be a Billy Graham or an Amy Grant to be greatly used by God. You only need the same Godly characteristics that Nehemiah was seeking. Live in great faith, knowing that God will do what He promises in His Words to you. Walk in great fear of God, simply falling on your face before Him daily, fully recognizing the greatness of who He is. Live in these, and watch God use you greatly to further His Holy Kingdom.

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

street scene, Puebla, Mexico

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