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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 1 - The War of this World

Welcome to the book of Numbers. Its always an exciting day when I get to start a new book in God’s Word, ahh, the sweet signs of progress. As the 5MC studies through the entire Bible one chapter at time, books like Genesis with 50 chapters can, of course, take much longer than books like James that only have 5. Each new book of the Bible is for me, like hopping on a plane and landing somewhere new. A whole new place to explore, admire, enjoy and learn from. Maybe that’s why I enjoy travelling so much. We need new environments to stimulate constant learning and transformation deep within. New and different is good.

The book of Numbers is a continuation of the story of Exodus. I’m not quite sure why some Bible guy of a thousand years ago didn’t just put it there, but instead we see Leviticus right after Exodus. The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch which means “five books.” All five were written by Moses and at one time were just one big continuous scroll, later broken up into five different sections. The book of Numbers gets its name from the root word “Arithmoi”, which is where we get our word arithmetic. The book gets its name from the major Israelite census that is taken in chapters 1 and 26.

Speaking of census taking and genealogies in God’s Word, just about anybody that is honest rolls their eyes when they come upon of these. An endless stream of un-pronounceable names that stretches about one 6 inches beyond our attention span. But remember, they’re important to God and therefore should be important to us. We need to ask why God put them there and then study for their importance. The census we see in chapter 1 of Numbers today serves not one but a plethora of purposes. Remember, God is a personal God, every single person is important to Him, no name is meaningless. Also, as you skip all those “meaningless and lifeless” names, think on this, what if one was yours?

The major reason for the census here in Numbers 1 is clearly given to us. But I think the reasoning probably surprised everyone involved. And if God took a similar census of His people today, the same reason for the accounting would probably shock us as well. You see, God is assembling an army.

“Take a census of all the congregation of the people of Israel, by clans, by fathers' houses, according to the number of names, every male, head by head. From twenty years old and upward, all in Israel who are able to go to war, you and Aaron shall list them, company by company.” Numbers 1:2-3

God is assembling His army and preparing His soldiers for battle. Now we’re told in verse 1 of this same chapter that at this point the Israelites had been out of Egypt a total of 2 years and 2 months. God had rescued them from the harsh, evil slavery of Pharaoh and then parted the width of the Red Sea to dramatically seal their freedom. The people had heard talks of the Promised Land and I’m sure after seeing that sea part, they thought they would waltz right over and rest easy in this new Promised Land. But now we’re having a census to assemble an army? Army? War? Fighting? What, we thought we were home free!

Folk, the modern parallels here are shocking. As we accept Jesus Christ, we ride high on that moment and we simply sit back and wait for that glorious Promised Land. We are now citizens of Heaven because we have claimed the blood of Jesus, so we slide into the nearest barcalounger and wait for Heaven. No more work, no more struggles, Easy Street here we are. Friends, if you are a follower of King Jesus, you have been enlisted into His army and whether you like the sound of it or not, today you are at war. But this war is not for gold, riches, spoils, land or pirate booty, this war is for much, much more.

“Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.” Eph 6:10-12 CEV

Are you ready for the battle today? If your follower of Jesus, you’re in the ranks of His army and either your prepared to fight or you’re not. Regardless, the enemy is ready to attack. You see, you can’t just sit on the sidelines of this battle and pretend it’s not happening. You can’t just ignore the battle and hide and let others fight it for you. It will not leave you alone, skip by you or just go away. The enemy is real, he is prowling around like a roaring lion just looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) The alarming part of this verse folks? He will consume someone; the question is who will it be.

I’ve seen countless Christians walk in the way of Jesus, unprepared and even unaware that there’s a fierce battle raging around them. As a result, they fall prey to the enemy easily. Countless Christians today have fallen aside because they either could not or would not engage in the battle. Friends, be ready to defend yourself today. God tells us this world is ready to do battle with us and we better be ready to do battle with it. Prepare yourself today, the enemy is near, and you can be assured that he is very prepared for this battle.

But do not fear, you will not be fighting this battle alone or unprepared. God offers you a sword, a shield, a helmet and battalions of fellow soldiers. (Eph 6:13-18) But folks, if you get anything today from this study, get this. A sword is only good if you pick it up and use it. A shield is only good if you wield it. A platoon is only good if you join its ranks. You see, God offers you the weapons, both offensive and defensive, but you must pick them up and use them. So, what are these weapons I speak of? Thanks for asking.

He’s given you the unparalleled power, wisdom and guidance of His Holy Word, are you picking it up every day and studying it, or refusing to pick up this weapon? He has given you the unlimited power of prayer, are you on your knees constantly talking to your Heavenly Father? Are you using the power of prayer to pray for others or are you constantly praying for yourself? He has given you fellow soldiers that are fighting alongside you, are you talking to them at all? Are you seeking out blessed fellowship and personal discipleship all throughout the week with other believers? Are you claiming the blessings that come along with serving God through serving others, or are you all wrapped in yourself and your problems, failing to look outside yourself? Are you a vital part of a local body of thriving believers, the very war room and central headquarters for the entire battle? If not, are you telling me that you are consciously separating yourself from the rest of your army? Unwise when you are at war.

Folks, there are some facts today that you need to fess up to. There is a war going on in this world and as a believer you are part of it, you can’t change that. God has given you the weapons and support to fight this war and you can be victorious using His power and strength, that’s another fact. The question is:

Will you fight?

In Numbers, the first thing God did was count His soldiers. I pray today that as God is counting His soldiers, He can count you as ready, prepared and eager to fight the good fight for His Kingdom.

If you’re reading this, I am praying for your fight today.

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