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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 13 - Perspective Fueled by Faith

The glass is half full, or is it? I love the old game of perspective. How do you see the world that surrounds you versus how others see the same world. But you know to really go deeper on this topic you have to go deeper into the individuals. What makes them tick? What is in their hearts? I’ve worked with all types of personalities, emotional IQ’s and spiritual backgrounds and I can tell you one thing…there are two sides to every identical story and those sides are driven by the individual’s perspective on life. And their perspective on life is determined by one thing…faith.

There’s a great quote that says that there is actually three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth. I love that quote and if you’ve ever watched an episode of Judge Judy you’ll agree. It seems that in the one place where truth is demanded, a courtroom, it’s the place where it’s the most absent. But overall, in my experience when the situation is not based around litigation, the choices settle into two camps, positive and negative.

Today in Numbers chapter 13 we see just such a scenario. In fact, chapter 13 is a big chapter for the Israelites. Very big. You see, the difference between waltzing right into the Promised Land with God directly leading them and aimlessly wandering in the desert to die, is right before them. It’s in their hands, they’re in control. As I read this chapter, I want to scream back through the ages and tell them…I want to tell them to have faith. I want to tell them to not fear the unknown but know that God is right there with them. I want to warn them of the mistake they are about to make by denying the goodness and protection of God. But I can’t. I read the story over and over and then I realize it. This story still plays out daily. In the lives of those around me and even in my own life if I don’t scream out these truths to myself. Have faith Dan.

So, we find the Israelites standing at the threshold of the Promised Land. God has promised it to them and only desires for them to possess it. You see I can give you a car but until you come get it, it’s not yours. Possession is powerful. God only wants the Israelites to have faith enough to go claim the land He has for them. But as the people stand on the banks of the Jordan river, peering over into the land, it starts. Doubt. Disbelief. Fear of the unknown. What’s on the other side? What’s going to happen tomorrow? In their doubt and fear they decide to send in spies to see the land. If we know whats ahead of us it will be a bit better, or will it?

Moses assembles a team of 12 to go check out the land, one man from each tribe of Israel. He gives them specific instructions on what to look for. Are the people strong or weak, few or many, is the land good or bad, are the cities camps or forts, trees or not and is the land rich or poor? Stop. Already this thing is going bad. Spy out the land God has Himself guided them to? Spy to see if it’s good or not? Why do we constantly doubt the goodness of God? He sent His Son to die for us on a Cross and we still doubt that He wants good for us. You can already see before the expedition even starts that we have a perspective issue. We see an outlook on the situation that has already been determined. A lack of faith in God clouds our perspective on life.

The team of spies goes into the Promised Land and scouts for 40 days. They do a stellar job and bring back a report that is thorough, accurate and factual. In a part of the story I especially love, they bring back a cluster of grapes that is so big it takes two men to carry it. Proof from God that the land is good. You know there is proof of God’s goodness everywhere you look today. But again, your perspective will determine how you see those blessings God shows you.

As the men return, they’re asked for their report and we see division. The positive and the negative. The pessimist and the optimist. The believers and the unbelievers. The faithful and the faithless. All 12 men have just experienced the identical trip and even agree upon the identical facts and details. So how can the stories be so polar opposite? It’s clear, some out of faith believed in God’s goodness, provision and protection yet some doubted. The power of doubt is an unbelievable force in our lives.

10 Men stand in front of the nation and declare that the land cannot be taken. The people are too many, the men are too big and the cities too strong. It can never be done. We might as well pack up, turn around and give up. Give up before the fight even starts. You know without faith in Almighty God, our lives can follow this pattern daily. Each day is a struggle to live for God and follow the truth of God. Are you up for the fight? Let me answer for you…no, you’re not. But God is and without His power and provision, you’ll lose the fight. You see, your faith determines how you see your opponent.

There were only two. Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim and Caleb from the tribe of Judah. Two men of great faith stood among men that had none. These two agreed with the facts of the trip but their recommendations for action could not have been more different.

“Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “We must go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly conquer it!” Numbers 13:30

Did you notice that one word? Certainly. Without doubt. Assuredly. With absolute confidence. So as 10 men were certain of their failure, why was one man so confident in their victory? Perspective fueled by faith. First and foremost, Caleb believed in the promises of God. God brought them here. God had already given them the land. God would deliver the land. God would defeat their enemies. He told them so but would they believe it? Caleb’s perspective was firm and His perspective was accurate because his faith was great.

But the Israelite nation’s hearts mirror those of the ten and the entire nation panics at the negative report and decides to give up. They give up on the promises of God. It breaks my heart. And I’m not only talking about the Israelites of 3000 years ago, I’m talking about the United States of America. A nation that has also given up on the promises of God. A nation that has perverted the sanctity of God’s marriage through legalizing homosexual marriage. A nation that has destroyed the sanctity of God given life through abortion, the legal murder of innocent babies in the name of personal freedom to correct a "mistake." A nation that mocks it’s leaders and persecutes them relentlessly. A nation that embraces sin and promotes alcohol and drugs to all in the name of leisure and profit. A nation that has forgone God by making prayer in public illegal. A nation that demands all should tolerate sexual immorality by simply accepting it as normal. It breaks my heart that we are a nation that has a perspective of life in which God is absent.

But remember that out of 10 men, there were 2. Two that believed. As a follower of Jesus, you are called to be one of the few. One of the few that will stand firm for the truth of God. With firmness of faith in Jesus, your perspective of the world will be strange to those in it. When you follow God in faith, a land that looks bleak to many will indeed be to you a land that flows with milk and honey. But you must claim the land, you must claim the life that Jesus has for you.

Today, worship Jesus. Study His Holy Word. Get on your knees and praise Him for all the goodness in you life. Repent of the sin in your life and live a pure life before Him. For you see, when your faith makes Jesus the center of your life, your perspective will change. You will not see the world or the problems within it. Instead you’ll see the sweet face of Jesus as He is waiting for you in the eternity of Heaven, arms wide.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

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