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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 17 - Thirty Bushels or a Hundred?

Death, the final word. Death is it for us, done, finished, terminado, finito. It’s been proven in scientific studies that every person that is born will die, 100%. We looked at the rebellion of the heart yesterday in Numbers 16, the fact that we as humans possess an ingrained sin nature, an inherited state of rebellion to God, our fellow man, our society, and well, anything that sits still long enough in front of us. But rebel as we may, the one thing that man absolutely cannot rebel against is death. It’s waiting for all of us, it’s proven, inevitable, a guarantee. But that doesn’t stop us from at least fantasizing about defeating it. Have you ever noticed the huge theme in movies to defeat death? I just went and saw the new Star Wars movie and man, it seemed like every time I reached for another handful of popcorn somebody was being brought back from the dead with some magical force or spell. Even in death, mankind fantasizes about rebelling against it and defeating it. But the author of life, the one that created it all, is the one that controls it all. Life is given by God and death is controlled by God. If life was a TV, God holds the only remote control.

Today in Numbers 17 we see God press a button on that remote control and offer mankind a glimpse of His power over all life. We’ve seen some quite tumultuous times in the camp of the Israelites over the last few chapters and like a stone tossed into a placid pond, it continues to ripple outward. The people in their rebellion to God continue to murmur against their leaders. (sound familiar?) They have now settled on Aaron the High Priest. Aaron was chosen by God 2 years ago as God led the people out of slavery in Egypt. But the people feel like Aaron has become power hungry and wields too much power over them. He is too lofty and needs to be brought down. And the way they see it, they are just the ones to escort him down.

But God, as always, has His finger on the pulse of His people. He is hearing the murmuring and He is going to settle it quickly. He asks for the leader of each tribe to bring their family staff and give it to Moses. Moses will then take them into the tent of meeting and God will do something with them, the people of course unaware of what that may be.

The staff that is spoken of is a shepherd’s staff. This was a long piece of smooth wood, usually with a crook on one end, that was used to guide, move and direct the sheep in the shepherd’s flock. This was the same staff that David spoke of in Psalm 23:

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

The staff was a vital part of a shepherd’s life. Recall that David was himself a young shepherd before he was whisked away to the court of Saul to sooth him with music. The selection of a staff for a young shepherd was a treasured rite of passage. The father would take the son out into the field and find just the right size and shape of sapling and then cut and shape it carefully. The staff would almost become a family heirloom, being carved and personalized throughout its life of service. A good staff allowed a shepherd to properly care for and maintain his flock. A sign of why Jesus is called the “good shepherd,” as he cares for us with such grace, mercy and love. By the way, if you’d like to engage in a deeper study of the 23rd Psalm, I broke down the entire passage into a 5-part study, you can find it at under the Psalm 23 tab.

As Moses deposits all of the staffs into the Tabernacle as instructed, God does His miracle work overnight. The next morning one staff of the 13 has been given life and in that resurrected new life, God speaks.

“The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds. Then Moses brought out all the staffs from the Lord’s presence to all the Israelites. They looked at them, and each of the leaders took his own staff. The Lord said to Moses, “Put back Aaron’s staff in front of the ark of the covenant law, to be kept as a sign to the rebellious. This will put an end to their grumbling against me, so that they will not die.” Moses did just as the Lord commanded him.” Numbers 16:8-11

An amazing act we see here, a miracle from God. The staff, a long dead piece of wood is brought back to life. And not just mere life but an abundant life that bears fruit. A beautiful picture of the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrections upon the cross by God the Father, He offers us a way to be reconciled to God. He also offers us a way that we can experience lives that will bud, blossom and produce fruit for Jesus.

Folks, what does your life look like today before Jesus? Are you bearing fruit for the Lord? Did you know that in the parable of the sower (Matt 13:1-9, 18-23) that there is not just a simple bearing of fruit but varying levels of production?

“As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” Matt 13:23

God’s Word is a powerful gift that we have been given. What are you doing with the Word of God today? Through the power of God’s Holy Spirit, it can permeate your heart, allowing you to bear fruit for God. We’re told in the verse above you can bear 30 times, 60 times or even 100 times what is sown. But folks, you must sow the seed to reap the harvest. Are you spending quality time studying and applying God’s Word to your life? It’s a simple act, but one that only you can do. You cannot have someone else sow the seed for you. Your Pastor cannot learn the Word for you, your spouse cannot learn the Word for you. You cannot learn it from reading books someone else wrote about the Bible. You must pick up a Bible, open it and thoroughly study what is inside. You cannot become a brain surgeon unless you spend years upon years studying and practicing brain surgery. If you want to bear 100 times what is sown for the Lord, you must open up His Word and study it. In the process you will find that He allows you to harvest not one bushel, but so much more.

Before I start writing each morning, I pray that everyone that reads the 5MC will not only discover the wonder of God’s Word, but will develop a hunger and a thirst for it. Just as you must drink water each day to survive, you must drink from the living water of God’s Word each day to experience true life. A life that will bear abundant fruit for Jesus and in the process, become a life that in itself will become abundant.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

May God bless you today as you strive to bless others.

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