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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 23 - The Definition of Insanity

You ever heard of a guy named Albert Einstein? Yeah, he was pretty smart, I guess. Besides the whole theory of relativity thing he was also credited with a pretty good definition of insanity. “Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” That’s a pretty good take on the subject I must say.

The irony of his words however is not the destination of it’s message but the origin. The idea of an individual that will keep repeating the same nonsensical action over and over and thinking that it will somehow in the future produce the desired result must have an internal driver that is mis-directed. This mis-directed driver originates from an old trait that we are all well aware of…pride. We want what we want, the flesh wants what the flesh wants, and our sin nature wants what our sin nature wants. We looked at this yesterday in the first part of our three part study of the ways of Balaam. In chapter 22 of Numbers, Balaam keeps petitioning the Lord with the same question until he gets the answer he wants. A sort of mental version of our definition, that is asking the same question over and over and expecting God to somehow change His mind and deliver the “correct response”, that is, the one we desire from Him.

Today we move from the mental manipulation of Einstein’s definition and we move into the physical realm. Today in chapter 23 of Numbers, Balaam has made the trip to Moab and is in the presence of King Balak of Moab. They waste no time as Balak commands Balaam to proceed in cursing the Israelite nation, the reason he was hired and brought here.

Balak takes Balaam to the top of a mountain surrounding the plateau where the Israelites are camped so they can look down upon the entire nation. Balak stands back and pretty much tells Balaam, “do whatever it is that you do.” Balaam commands that 7 altars be built and upon those 7 altars they offer 7 bulls and 7 rams. As the sacrificial act closes, the Lords speaks to Balaam a tremendous blessing upon the Israelites. Needless to say, Balak is more than a little upset. He’s seeing his investment go up in flames as the desired curse comes out as a blessing. But here is where we step over the line into our definition of insanity. Let’s go for round 2.

They move over to mountain number two and guess what? Yep, they build 7 altars, sacrifice 7 bulls and 7 rams. They repeat the identical thing and this time, hope for something different. And in doing so I love Balak’s take on the situation:

“Then Balak said to Balaam, “Come, let me take you to another place. Perhaps it will please God to let you curse them for me from there.” And Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor, overlooking the wasteland.” Num 23:27-28

What a clever take on God from an unbeliever. That God is somehow a tool that can be used in a certain way. That He can be effectually manipulated to attain our wants. A cosmic genie. A powerful point and a whole different lesson, maybe another day.

But to no avail, Balak does not receive what he desires. God delivers yet another blessing on His people and Balak is now even more perturbed. Folks, Balak and Balaam go to four different mountaintops, repeating this process, looking for their curse upon God’s people. Four. They keep repeating the same thing over and over looking for a different result. Can you hear those words of Einstein?

In life, our pride drives us. The sin-nature that we all inherited from that bite of fruit, has a voice. A strong voice that if allowed, can overshadow all other voices within us. Sin’s voice can overshadow our voice of reason. It can overpower our voice of common sense. It can dominate our voice of morality. And yes, even our voice of sanity. You see our pride can and will drive us to, as Joe Dirt says, “keep on keepin’ on.” We will relentlessly drive ourselves to get what our flesh desires. And in life, this can quickly become insanity exactly as Einstein described it.

If you really think about it, sin is simply repetition. The desires of the flesh are not really that complicated. The flesh desires only a few things, yet it wants them over and over and over. Your goal as a follower of Jesus Christ is to strive to live, act, talk and love like He did as He walked this planet. Since He was sin free, you have quite the task in front of you. To live sin free means tremendous self-control, tenacity and strength in the Lord. To shirk the insanity of sinful repetition, you’re going to need help, lots of it.

But praise the Lord, He gave believers in Jesus all the help we could ever desire. He gave us His Holy Spirit. The very power of Almighty God resides in you to guide you, strengthen you, empower you and allow you the wisdom to navigate the pitfalls of a sin filled world. He gave us His Holy Word. The very Words of God were written down and compiled as a tool for you. It teaches, rebukes, trains, guides, gives wisdom and hope and gives you an invaluable glimpse directly into the life of Jesus. He gave us each other. Just last night Marge and I sat in a small room at Southcliff Baptist church with 7 other brothers and sisters in Christ and cried. As a group we worshiped a good God and reveled in how He powerfully works in our lives. Those moments continue to change me. Don’t forgo moments like this that God has for you. Don’t try to fight this fight on your own. Be strengthened in the constant and frequent fellowship of other believers, it’s a big tool that God has for us.

Friends, the tools that God has given us to break the pattern of sinful insanity are many. But as with any tool, you must reach down, pick it up and use it. No one can use the tools for you, not your Pastor, your husband or wife, your counselor or your life group. You must use the tools yourself. It never ceases to amaze me how many hurting people I work with that just will not open up their Bible every day. They have a tool in their hands that saves souls and transforms lives, but for whatever reason they just will not study it. You see, sin thrives on Einstein’s definition. Sin will keep you doing the same things over and over until that bear trap is firmly clamped around your ankle. In the moment, sin will satisfy the flesh but over time that same sin will steal all you have. It will rob you of goodness and freedom. It will take your peace. It will steal the abundant life that Jesus died to offer you. But to claim that abundant life of peace and freedom, you must use the tools that God has given you to break the insanity of sin in your life.

Whether it’s pride, alcohol, anger, adultery, gossip, lying, pornography, drugs, bad language, or rebellion these things can be defeated through the power of Jesus Christ. Fitting with Einstein’s definition, you perform these sins over and over and expect that they will somehow bring joy. But sin will never bring joy, only frustration, unfulfillment, bondage and emptiness. Call upon Jesus today to help rid you of the sin in your life. He is faithful to hear and act. And as you do shed the sinful insanity in your life, replace it with the things of God. Replace it with prayer, study of His Word, fellowship and service to Him. However in doing the things of God over and over, you can expect the same result over and over.

The result you can expect is the goodness of God. And folks, that goodness is a promise from God.

Mayan ruin with images, Tulum, Mexico

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