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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 25 - Distracted

It’s rather an understatement to say that we live in a world today where distractions are rampant. The rash of young people with A.D.D and A.D.H.D. seems like the chicken and the egg conundrum, which came first? This constant, fast paced world has escalated to the point of us needing and even demanding constant stimulation. The world seemingly training it’s new entrants into it’s ranks by demanding that they “adjust” to the pace. Basically, did the kid sporadically become A.D.D. or was it an adjustment needed to deal with the world in which they were placed?

Today it’s estimated that the average American will see an amazing 4,000 to 6,000 ads per day. Yes, you read that right. The ads pop up everywhere. TV, computers, cell phones, billboards, radio, and even within our entertainment as product placement. And one that especially drives me batty, the movies. I remember when the movies were a safe ad-free space. Since you paid your money to see the movie the greedy sponsors couldn’t get to you. Now you have no choice but to pay 13 bucks to be bombarded by ads before your movie. And as you’ll notice today, the ads are quick. Little snippets that pop up and are gone before you seem to even recognize what it was. If you’ve watched any YouTube videos lately, you’ll see what I’m saying. Attention spans have grown so short that we are losing the ability to grasp anything longer than a minute. The advertisers are wising up and adapting. The result of this daily blitz on our eyes and minds? Distraction. This constant bombardment of ads, Facebook, TV, internet, Instagram, texts, emails and streaming music has us chasing squirrels from sun up to sun down. And a distracted mind is an unfocused mind.

As we continue to follow the saga of Balaam and Balak today in Numbers chapter 25, we see distraction used to greatly damage a nation. I hope that you’re up to date on the last three studies as we have followed the story from inception to it’s climax today. If you’ve missed Numbers 22, 23, or 24, you can read them at under the Numbers tab. Recall that Balaam failed miserably at cursing the Israelites three times, instead delivering a mighty blessing instead. As a result of his failure he also failed to pick up his big fat paycheck from Balak. But an evil heart will find a way to get paid and today we'll see a devilish scheme that Balaam cooks up in the kitchen of his heart.

Balaam devises a dirty little idea and it’s all based around distraction. You see he realizes that if the Israelites are focused on God, they are absolutely, irrevocably untouchable. When the Israelites walk closely with God, they are an undefeatable force upon this planet. But when the people get distracted, when they stray from the side of God, they suffer horrible defeats. Today will be one of those days. Let’s take a look at this event as it’s documented in the very last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation.

“But I have a few complaints against you. You tolerate some among you whose teaching is like that of Balaam, who showed Balak how to trip up the people of Israel. He taught them to sin by eating food offered to idols and by committing sexual sin.” Rev 2:14

You see, Balaam’s plan was not complicated or difficult, in fact that is the irony. You see, without God we are as weak as infants to the distractions of the world. Balaam tells Balak to send all of his most attractive young Moabite women down to the Israelite camp. I imagine they were told to wear provocative clothing and probably even bring some tasty food. You can see exactly where this is going. Young attractive, foreign, willing women walking into the Israelite camp with pies and tacos? Let’s just say that they had no trouble finding young single men. But in the most evil part of Balaam’s scheme, he told those young women specifically, do not forget to take all of you idols to Baal. And as you settle down with your new young Israelite lover, be sure to worship Baal as you always have and make sure to include you new mate in that worship. Oh, the powers of seductive, subtle distraction.

Folks, the nation of Israel was turned on it’s ear. There was a mass influx of Moabite women and they all found a guy. And as a result, all of those young, easily influenced guys got introduced and instructed in the worship of the false God Baal. A life that had revolved around worshipping Almighty God was now worshipping two Gods. Worship divided. Distraction. And when we get distracted and turn from God and put other idols alongside Him, He is less than pleased.

“While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women, who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate the sacrificial meal and bowed down before these gods. So Israel yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor. And the Lord’s anger burned against them. The Lord said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of these people, kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the Lord’s fierce anger may turn away from Israel.” So Moses said to Israel’s judges, “Each of you must put to death those of your people who have yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor.” Numbers 25:1-5

Folks, God sees a cancer within His people, and he removes the cancer quickly. Before the judgement is stopped, 24,000 are dead. (Num 25:9) In this instance, the high cost of distraction from God was death. Now, you might read this and discount this as just another old, outdated "extreme" Bible story. You might think that today we live in a completely different time, a newer world and even somehow serve a God with a completely different temperament. Folks, all lies. We serve the same God today and He still judges the same today. He might not strike down physically, but without God, spiritual death is far worse.

Today you are being fought for. Your mind, your flesh, your attention and yes, even your soul. There is a fierce battle raging all around and it’s for the possession of you. God wants to claim you as His, but we have a fierce adversary, his name is satan. And satan’s goal is to see a wedge driven deeply between you and God. Did you know the very name satan means “adversary?” Satan is your opponent in the battle for your worship. You see satan’s goal is to either halt or completely stop the work of God and he achieves that through keeping the children of God thoroughly distracted. You see if satan can keep us worshipping other things besides God, he is well on his way to victory for our souls.

You notice in our study passage; Balaam knew the easiest way to seduce the people was sex. It has not changed today. More people distance themselves from God with sexual immorality than just about any other distraction. Adultery, pornography, pre-marital sex and what our society says is just perfectly ok, “living together.” Folks, these are all distractions that satan uses to create great distance between you and God. Remember that the definition of an idol is “anything that creates distance between you and God.” You see satan has to first create some distance before he can insert something. It’s a two stage process, create a distraction or temptation in your life that will make you pursue it, and then permanently place an idol in that newly created space.

How do you combat this evil principle? Stay close to God. Do not allow even a millimeter of opening between you and God. And folks, maintaining that closeness is found in your daily routine. I cannot expect to maintain a close relationship with Margie if I only speak to her once a week. Our relationship would crumble quickly. It’s the same with God. Be in a study of God’s Word every day. Be on your knees to Him in prayer daily. Seek out blessed fellowship with other believers and talk about the things of God every day. You see a missed day with God creates a crack, a small fissure. Two missed days of fellowship with God opens that crack up wider. Eventually that crack will be big enough for a distraction to be wedged right in there. And folks, when distractions get hammered and driven into those cracks in our lives, they are hard to get out.

Focus. Focus today on God and His Word, His statutes and His rules. Pray for a pure heart today and then fiercely protect that pure heart. Refuse to be distracted with things that will displease God. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you’re in this battle. Suit up in the armor of God and wield the Sword of the Spirit today and let God lead you in this battle. When you do there is one guarantee, the Lord of Armies will deliver you as you triumph in His limitless power.

Be blessed and fight the good fight today.

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