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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 3 - Standing Guard

This year for Christmas we decided to do something a little different for our exterior Christmas lighting. I’ve always been fascinated by those little projector thingies that shine on your house, so I decided to take a shot. The technology has greatly improved in brightness, clarity and projection distance in the last few years, so I found a good model and then ran out and bought two, one for each side of the front of our house. That night, Marge & I stood out in a cold December breeze, plugged them in and then chose the color, pattern, placement, etc. As we finished, we stood back and admired the show. The whole front of the house was a palette of moving color. A gentle flow of radiance that rained down to a secret rhythm. And to take it all down, simply unplug em’ and throw em’ in a box. (Dan is really happy with that part.) But the next day a thought struck us both. What if somebody just strolled up one night, unplugged both projectors and walked off with them? Ouch, that would hurt. I’ve since noticed a trend of those big Christmas inflatables being stolen out of people’s yards. You see, without protection in this world, your possessions can get stolen or vandalized and there’s little you can do. What you need is a guard.

This morning in Numbers chapter 3 we see the word guard used a whopping 9 times. Nine. What in the world did the Israelites have to guard in the middle of their own camp in the middle of the desert? Just the most important thing that the people had ever been given. The very dwelling place of God. And you see, when something has great value to you, you don’t just occasionally look after it. You guard it night and day.

The book of Numbers gets its name from the census taking of the Israelite nation in chapters 1, 3 and 26. In chapter one God called for a census of all 12 tribes but not the Levite tribe. Today we see that census. The Levites have been sanctified (set aside) to care for, transport, and yes, even guard the tabernacle (dwelling place) of God. But again, why the need to guard the tabernacle? It’s sits right smack dab in the middle of a camp of 2 million Israelites, who would want to harm or steal from the temple of God? Well, it’s not all just about protecting the temple from the people, although that was a part of it. It’s also about protecting the people from the temple. You see, sometimes we need protection from oursleves.

The power of God’s tabernacle and its operation was nothing to toy with or take lightly. In Numbers 2:38 we see this warning:

“Moses and Aaron and his sons were to camp to the east of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, in front of the tent of meeting. They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Anyone else who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.” Numbers 2:38

Did you see that? Unauthorized approach to the temple would be immediate death. Imagine someone that got lost in this huge camp and accidentally wandered too close without approval, death. Kids playing in the camp and on a dare snuck into the Holy of Holies to see what’s in there? Death. God knew this and so He provided guards. Guards to protect the people from themselves.

You see, many times we find oursleves in these same situations in life, we wander into areas where we are not supposed to be. Our sin-natured feet take us to places and to things that God never intended us to go to. Adultery, covetous, greed, malice, slander, lying, pride, sexual immorality, drugs, selfishness, pornography, the love of money, violence, alcohol, murder, stirring up discord. God never intended us to go near these things, He knows what they will bring. Death to our Spirit through grieving and separating us from the power and protection of His Holy Spirit.

You know what you need? You need a guard. You need protection from the evils of this world. You need a Stars Wars force field around your heart to protect you from the evil and sin of this word that wants nothing more than to claim your heart as its own. To claim it as just another casualty of this world. Without a 24 hour guard standing at the door of your heart, the world will trespass upon it and steal from you. The world will steal your joy, your freedom, your peace and your purpose. Without a guard over you heart, you will look up one day and realize these have all been taken from you. Like a thief in the night.

So where is this guard? God almighty is your guard. And folks, if you want the guard to be effective, stick close. You’ll never see that celebrity or politician standing 50 yards from their personal bodyguard, they know that they have to be close for that bodyguard to be effective. If you want to guard your heart, stick close to God and He’ll do what He promises to do, help you guard your heart.

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” James 4:8 NLT

Draw near to God by studying His Word daily. Draw near to God through daily prayers. Draw near to God through spending time with other believers that are close to Him. Draw near to God through repenting of your sin and maintaining a pure heart before Him. Draw near to God through serving others with the gifts He has given you. Draw near to God by giving back to Him a small portion of what He has first given you. Draw near to God through being still every day so that He can speak to your heart. Draw near to God by being a vital, contributing part of a local body of Christ. Draw near to God by discipling and helping someone else in their walk with Christ.

Folks, draw near to God and He will draw near to you. And in that closeness, you will have the best “heart-guard” the world has ever known. In that closeness, you will be well guarded.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

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