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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 30 - The Weight of Your Word

Have you ever noticed that you really can’t accidentally tell a lie? There’s gotta be some kind of special neuron connected in the process somewhere and as you prepare to tell a lie, it fires and you know it. We often times think that the entire thought generation process originates in the brain, but I’ll have to somewhat disagree with all due respect to science and anatomy. You see, I would argue that the brain does indeed process and store information, but the real weight, the real core, the real truth of the message we deliver, comes from the heart.

The process of delivering speech is rather straight forward, hard to alter and hard to escape. You can have a conversation with someone for an hour and speak the truth in all of it and the conversation will sail along like a catamaran on an ocean breeze. No obstacles and no deterrents. But to tell a lie, to speak an untruth to another, the process comes to a bitter halt. To utter something that is not true to another person is just, well, unnatural. Why? We’re told why in Genesis 1:27:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

God made us in His image, crystal clear, right there in the verse above. So, when we accept Jesus Christ and walk closely with Him, we will through the power of His Holy Spirit, start to become more like Him. Little by little, as the relationship grows and we relent more to God, we will start to pick up the pure goodness of Jesus Christ. And folks, at His core, Jesus is truth. To become more like Jesus is to become more like the truth.

“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

So, we see here a rather interesting equation. First, Jesus is absolute truth. Second, when Jesus Christ saves us, we become new creatures and become more like Him through a journey of living with His Holy Spirit. Therefore, the truth of God lives within us and it is difficult for us to speak against the truth. So, if you are living this equation today, then the question is…what are the worth of your words? Do they hold the truth of Jesus? If you are living this equation today can people really trust you? If I were to go to your workplace today and ask all those you work with about the truth in your words, what would they say? Ultimately, I guess you could say, what is your “word” worth?

I grew up in very small country town and as a result, things moved slower and more deliberate. Think Little House on the Prairie but with electricity, plumbing and combustion engines. I’m not sure what societal laws are in place here, but people treat each other differently in small towns versus large cities. When you live close to most of the people in your small town and you see them regularly, you begin to discover a new type of value system. There’s a new type of currency that emerges, your word. If people can’t trust you, the community can’t trust you and that message will move around as swiftly and silently as a wild cat on the prowl.

When I was growing up in small Combine, Texas, it seemed like a different world compared to today. You left your house unlocked and even your front door standing open. You parked your car in the front yard, keys left in the ignition and weather permitting, windows down. Why could you do this? You trusted the people around you, and real trust brings comfort into our lives. When you made a deal to buy or sell something with a neighbor it was based not on a 10 page notarized contract, but a firm handshake accompanied by a look in the eyes. I remember my dad buying cars and closing deals with just a handshake. An exchange between two people that had trust for each other. You see, trust is based on the truth and truth is based in God.

We see in chapter 30 of Numbers today a chapter on vows. A vow is defined as “a solemn promise to do something.” The chapter starts out with these words:

“Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the people of Israel, saying, “This is what the Lord has commanded. If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” Numbers 30:1-2

Notice several strong key words in the passage. “Lord has commanded”, “vows”, “swears”, “pledge”, "oath", “bind”, “shall do all”, and “not break his word.” Folks, these two verses read like a bullet-proof legal contract in a Grisham courtroom drama don’t they? Why? Well, because they are. And think about the basis of why God can ask us to uphold this level of truth…because He first did.

When God makes a promise, covenant, agreement, or vow it will stand from the moment it is uttered until the absolute exhaustion of time. Forever. There are some strong things that exist in this world but folks, there is nothing stronger than a promise from God. God is truth and God can only deliver the truth. Our world today will fight the thought fiercely, but every fiber of our entire world is based upon the absolute truth of God. Our world is built and based on truth.

As you walk in the name of Jesus today, don’t take you words lightly. If you represent Jesus, you must carry the truth everywhere your feet take you. You can’t outrun, outdistance or go beyond the borders of God’s truth. Carefully consider your words as you proceed today. Your words speak volumes about Jesus. How you do business, how you teach, how you handle problems. The very words you choose come directly from your heart, a heart that belongs to Jesus. Carefully consider the weight of your words, you speak for Jesus when you speak today. And if you sully your name by speaking lies, you sully His.

What is your word worth to the world today? If you speak the truth of Jesus, they will be worth more than you can ever imagine.

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1

Lone Palm at the Mayan ruins of Tulum

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