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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 7 - If You're Thankful & You know it…then Your Life will Surely Show it

You remember the song, sing it with me. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! One of my favorite verses is the last part of Luke 6:45, “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Did you know that over in Matthew it says the same thing again? “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (12:19). Twice we have these beautiful, yet powerful words spoken to us by Jesus Christ Himself. You see this is an absolute inescapable truth in life. You can fake a lot of things. You can fake sincerity. You can fake interest. You can even fake happy. But there is one thing you cannot ever fake…what is genuinely deep in your heart. The contents of your heart will surface like lava through a volcano, it cannot be stopped from erupting. What is present below will be the same on the surface. If you’re happy…you’ll clap.

Today we have the treat of studying the second longest chapter in all of God’s Word, Numbers chapter 7. At 89 verses long it is a distant second to Psalm 119 that has a whopping 176 verses. But the length of Numbers 7 is not due to narrative or history, it’s really a book of accounting. A bookkeeping. Of what? Generosity and giving back to God. We get to see the lava of a lot of hearts today.

To do the Lord’s work takes stuff. Money, buildings, electricity, insurance, staff, Bibles, chairs, vans, maintenance, travel, office equipment and on and on and on. Running a church, an international mission or an outreach for God requires things. And just where do these things come from? This is where it gets good. God gives all of what is needed for His work to His people. He gives abundantly to those that love Him and worship Him deeply in their hearts. And as this love comes bubbling up, the people give back to God what is needed to fulfill God’s work. And in yet another beautiful part, God richly blesses the giver for their obedience in the entire process. What a beautiful cycle that we are blessed to participate in.

This morning we see this process in action. The Tabernacle is finished and it’s time to take it on the road. We’ve seen God assign specific division of duties to the Levite tribe in exactly how they are to transport the tabernacle when it’s time to relocate. Recall the timing of the move was all God, when the cloud of His presence moved, the people moved, when it stayed, the people stayed. But the tabernacle, when broken down had a lot of pieces. You know what would be useful? Several wagons and some oxen to pull them. Yep, that would be awesome. Guess what. God gave the right hearts wagons and oxen. And guess what those hearts did? Yep, they gave them back to God.

“Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of families who were the tribal leaders in charge of those who were counted, made offerings. They brought as their gifts before the Lord six covered carts and twelve oxen—an ox from each leader and a cart from every two. These they presented before the tabernacle. The Lord said to Moses, “Accept these from them, that they may be used in the work at the tent of meeting. Give them to the Levites as each man’s work requires.” So Moses took the carts and oxen and gave them to the Levites.” Numbers 7:2-6

Now in this era, a covered wagon was very valuable. It would be the equivalent of you giving your car to God. This was no small gift. I’ve heard it said, “give to God until it hurts” but really the saying should just be “give to God exactly what He asks for.” You see, I think you would agree that the arrangement here is extremely simple. God first provides to the believer. Next, He simply asks for some of it back. God will never ask you to give Him something that He hasn’t first provided for you to give. But folks, here is where it gets complicated. What is the condition of the heart that receives the blessings of God?

You see, as God gives to us, we have a choice. We can give freely what has been freely given to us…or not. We can out of fear, anxiety, greed or selfishness, decide to keep it all. We can horde God’s gifts and keep them all for oursleves. We can pile up money in the bank, stuff it under our mattresses and even stockpile stuff all around oursleves. But folks, all false security. We are clearly told by Jesus:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt 6:19-21

Did you notice that last line? There’s that word again…heart. You see in this process you can’t fake your heart. Think of our song again and change one word. “If you're generous and you know it, then your life will surely show it.” How you give back to the Lord and process His gifts will be a direct representation of your heart for Him.

The rest of chapter 7 is a bounty of giving. Each tribe gives back to the Lord a portion of what He has already given to them to run the temple and atone for the sins of the people. Listen to this list. 12 silver platters that weighed a total of 36 pounds. 12 silver bowls that weighed a total of 24 pounds. 12 gold pans that weighed a total of 3 pounds. 12 young bulls, 12 young rams, 12 lambs, 12 grain offerings, 12 young goats, 24 oxen, 60 rams, 60 young lambs, 6 covered wagons and 12 oxen to pull them. Whew, we see a lot of good lava in these hearts.

Today as you look at your stuff and money, ask yourself a question, where did it come from and who really owns it? I heard a great saying the other day that rocked me. It really put things into perspective. “If it was first given, it can be taken away.” You see, it all comes from the Lord, all of it. Dave Ramsey talks about the open fist financial mentality. If I put a $100 bill in your hand, you can keep your hand open and the bill can be taken by God if needed. But you could also clinch that bill tightly in a fist and not let it go. The caveat? An open hand can easily receive more from God, but a closed hand can only hold what’s in it.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks and where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. Your heart will show today, what will it show?

May your heart show great generosity for God's work in 2020. God bless you.

A new day is a gift from God.

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