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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Numbers 8 - God's Screwdriver

Think back to the days on the playground. It’s recess, time for a quick game of football before the teacher calls you back into the dungeon of the classroom. Oh no, the dreaded team selection process. Two captains emerge and they in turn pick their teams, one by one. One by excruciating one. They alternate back and forth until the dregs are left. Oh, what that process can do to a young ego. Humble pie served up in heaps at 10 years old. As you underwent or witnessed this, didn’t you often question this process? I mean who has the authority to pick who is really qualified? But then you get out of college and realize this game starts all over. Some person within the ranks of HR wields that power and the job you desire is solely decided by someone else.

Often as a result of this process we get burned. We feel like we have been passed over for a job, position or promotion that was “ours.” The wrong decision was made, I was more qualified and I’m the one that really deserved it. Basically, we know just a little bit better than the decision maker. Our own selfish pride can both lift us up and tear us down at the same time.

Today in chapter 8 of Numbers, we see just such a selection process. There are 13 tribes of Israel and God has chosen one that will serve Him in the Tabernacle. Out of 13 He has chosen only one. No honorable mentions, no participation trophies. You can’t tell me that some of the other tribes didn’t get their feelings hurt. Why would God pick them? Our tribe is 10 times better! I can already hear the grumbling in Arabic. So just why is it so hard for us to accept the selection processes in life? Why do we always give ourselves the exalted position instead of others? Why is it that anytime we are passed over, the wrong decision was made? Let’s take a look at God's selection process.

First of all, you have to realize that God is a God of choice making. Life demands that choices be made, and God does it and offers no excuses. God chose Abel’s offering over Cain’s. God chose Joseph over his 11 older brothers to rule in Egypt. God chose David over his bigger brothers to be King. God chose His prophets from among the millions of people on the planet. God chose only 12 disciples. So, in a world that will tell you that you deserve anything you want simply because you want it badly enough, God disagrees. You see, there is always a selection criteria.

When I need a screwdriver, not just any one will do. There’s philips, flat, hex, Torx, long, short, ratcheting, 90 degree, socket, power, manual and even tiny ones for eyeglasses. You see as the user I am the only one that knows the specific job I need the screwdriver for. If someone else chooses the screwdriver for me, it will not work well for what I need it for. Folks, God knows you better than anybody else in this galaxy. He created you and He knows exactly what you were made to do. And if you allow Him to use you, He will use you to do exactly the job that He made you to do. Easy Cheesy. But let’s look closer at that “if you allow Him to” part.

You see a screwdriver does not have free will. A screwdriver does not have a strong personality. A screwdriver does not have a sin nature, you have all three. So, what do you think of being used by God? Are you a humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ or do you insist on marching to your own drum? This is a massive part of being selected to be used by God. Humility before your maker to be used by Him to complete His work through you as He deems appropriate. To be God’s screwdriver.

Another major aspect of being selected and used by God is discussed at length today in Numbers 8. The cleanliness and overall usability of the tool. As I walk out to my garage and pull open the tool chest drawer to find that perfect screwdriver, I look them all over. I’ve got some old Stanley drivers that my dad gave me, probably 20 years old. Trusted, reliable and well-worn. I’ve also got some brand new shiny, red and black Milwaukee ones. New, clean, straight and with anti-slip comfort grips. They will serve well. But then I’ve got some old dirty ones. Some were used to dig weeds and they have mud on them. Some were used as pry bars and they are bent and mis-shaped. Because of the condition, these cannot be used for a project where I need a straight, clean tool. Their condition affects my decision to use them. Folks, it is no different when it comes to God using us. As He looks our hearts over, the condition says so much to Him.

Even though God had chosen the Levites to assume responsibility for His temple, the process wasn’t over. God had 4 steps to fully prepare them for His service.

“Take the Levites from among all the Israelites and make them ceremonially clean. To purify them, do this: Sprinkle the water of cleansing on them; then have them shave their whole bodies and wash their clothes. And so they will purify themselves. Have them take a young bull with its grain offering of the finest flour mixed with olive oil; then you are to take a second young bull for a sin offering.” Num 8:6-9

1) “Sprinkle the water of cleansing on them.” Recall John 13:8 when Jesus was going to wash the disciples feet and Peter objected. “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” If you have fellowship with Jesus, your feet will be washed. Are you having daily, even hourly fellowship with Jesus or do you encounter Him once a week or once a month when you feel like going to church? Do you talk to Him daily or has it been months since you’ve sat down and had a nice quiet talk with Him? Folks, you must be cleansed by Jesus to be used by Jesus.

2) “Let them go with a razor over all their body.” No this is not manscaping or getting your eyebrows waxed. We’re told in Hebrews 8:12, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” If God’s Word is a sharp razor in your life, what do you see when you look in the mirror? A beard like Gandalf? Could you be mistaken for a Grizzly bear? Do you look like a Duck Dynasty cast member? You see if you apply the Word of God to every aspect of you life, it will radically change every inch of your sinful flesh.

3) “Let them wash their clothes.” A nun’s clothing is called a habit. Historically, a “habit” was used to describe different clothing. A riding habit, a walking habit, etc. To wash your clothing is to wash your life and your habits. Where will your feet take you today? Would you be proud to tell Jesus where you went and what you did for New Years Eve? What about your language? Is it clean or filthy? You see this is yet another part of the selection process. How clean are the many different “habits” in your life?

4) “Take a sin offering.” When you find yourself all tangled up in a sinful mess, how do you handle it? Do you pretend it never happened? Do you think it’s your own personal business and nobody else’s beeswax? Or do you openly and immediately confess your sin to the Lord and ask His forgiveness? Think about unconfessed sin in your life as a five pound rock. Some indulgent sins today and you’re carrying around an extra 20 pounds. 4 more tomorrow and you’re now carrying around 40 pounds. You see, that weight stays with you until you confess it to God. If left unchecked, you’ll be carrying around a weight in your heart that will have you so weighed down you won’t be able to move. You’ll be crippled with hundreds of pounds of shame, guilt and turmoil. You’ve gotta get rid of that weight. Tell Jesus what you’ve done and ask His forgiveness. He is rich in mercy and grace and is ready to take that weight from you.

Folks, God can use you. In fact, He desperately wants to use you. But are you the best screwdriver in the drawer? Are you clean, straight, strong and ready to be used? Wash clean in the sweet fellowship of Jesus. Let His Holy Word, scour every inch of your life. Keep your habits in this world squeaky clean. And when that old sin-nature does lure you into its snares, confess it quickly and claim the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Pursue these. As a result, you will find yourself being used by God in mighty ways that will bless your heart and change your life.

When God needs a good screwdriver, nothing else will do.

Blessings to you.

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