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Psalm 21 - An Unspoken Truth

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

“Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you. You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them.” Psalm 21:8-9

In our over abundant world of political correctness today the norm is that when a touchy topic comes up, ignore it. The goal of P.C. is that when a topic surfaces that could possibly offend, alienate, upset, or displease anyone, the correct path of proceeding is to simply not mention said topic at all. As a result, you get simple suppression of truth. And this P.C. sickness is not immune to the avoidance of the truths contained in God’s Word. Even in evangelical circles, certain topics in God’s Word that cause people to squirm are pointedly left out of sermons, never mentioned in motivational Bible memes, and simply skipped over as the more palatable parts of God’s Word are taught. And one of those huge Biblical topics is…get ready for it…hell.

A man of God will accept God’s Word for exactly what it is, the Holy Words of God. If you take a buffet approach to God’s Word, that is you pick and choose what you believe is true, accurate, and right, then you still have some work to do with the man upstairs. Regardless of what the world will tell you, great faith and belief that the Word of God is Holy, perfect, error-free, and 100% accurate, is a massive part of proclaiming faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior. I mean how can you claim faith in Jesus Christ, yet doubt His very Words? And David was a man of God that believed scripture was just that, the very Words of God. And as a result, David studied, heeded, and taught all of God’s Words, not just the happy feel-good stuff. And a huge part of God’s Word discusses the opposite of Heaven, hell. If Heaven is the result of asking the only Son of God, Jesus Christ, to be your personal Lord and Savior, then hell is the opposite. For all those that reject who Jesus Christ is and instead choose to go their own way, the judgement of God lies at the end of their decision. And if physical death comes before Christ is called upon as Savior, then eternal separation from God is the result.

Today hell should not be a taboo subject, God doesn’t see it as that. He openly, clearly, and succinctly discusses it in over 162 verses in the New Testament alone with over 70 of those references being made by Christ Himself. God has a lot to say about hell, why? Well, God the Father went to untold lengths to see that no one ever has to go there. Because He sent Christ here to save all people from their sins, no one has to ever experience an eternity separated from Him. Yet for those that hear of Christ and openly and soundly reject His work upon the cross, the judgement of God will lie in their future. You might buy into the popular world view that good people, all people, or only well-intending people somehow automatically go to Heaven, but folks, that is simply not what the truth of God’s Word proclaims. Christ Himself clearly states in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It doesn’t get any clearer than that. God is real, Jesus is real, Heaven is real and yes, hell is real. But just because it is real doesn’t mean it ever has to be experienced. Call upon the amazing saving grace of Jesus Christ today in faith and be saved. And in that moment His atoning sacrifice will cover your sins and allow you an eternity not separated from God in hell, but an eternity seated at his feet in heaven adoring and praising His holiness. The decision is real, and it is yours.

“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” Luke 9:26

belleza en los detalles (beauty in the details), Peubla, Mexico

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