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Psalm 24 - Asking the Owner

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

“The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…” Psalm 24:1

I have bought many used cars in my day, and I can personally attest to the importance of the “walk-around” with the owner. That is, when you buy the car, to have the opportunity to walk the entire car and be informed of its idiosyncrasies by the one that owns it. All cars have those weird little quirks and who better to learn about them from than someone that has lived with and owned the car? One car I bought had a shut off switch under the dash, if I hadn’t learned about it, I would have been dead in the water as soon as I left. Another car had a problem with the gear shifter, and you had to jiggle it a very certain way to get it into park. I would have struggled for months to learn it, but in a few minutes the owner told me exactly what I needed to know. You see, the owner knows, and the owner alone can inform you of what you need to know. And here in Psalm 24 King David, one of the most powerful kings in the world at the time, clearly states who the owner of the entire world and all that is within it is…Almighty God.

There are countless people today who want to run this planet, and it was no different in the days of David. Since the first crunch of that fruit in the garden it has commenced. Men and women that in their pride seek to command their own destiny, control the destinies of others and as a result determine that they must control the world around them in order to do so. The only problem? Assumed ownership is not ownership. The world and all that is within it belong to God, and beyond that, He is not merely the owner but the creator. All 7.6 billion people that walk this planet today belong to God, He made them all. And everything on this planet today follows the same. God made the seas, the stars, the birds, the trees, and the air we constantly inhale. And if you really want to know about the creation, why not ask the Creator?

I look around today and see mankind making bold crass assumptions about the world without every involving the Creator. Mankind assumes that they can destroy or alter God’s planet without Him somehow being aware that it would happen. And then in yet another bold assumption, mankind assumes that with our woefully small hands we can just as easily snap our fingers and fix the entire world. And all this is done without simply asking the owner and Creator. Today your life is simply a small microcosm of the whole process. Are you the ruler of your own little world, neglecting to ask the Owner about the intricacies of the life that He created? I tried this for many years, and I can tell you, I spent way too much time figuring out what I simply could have asked of the Owner. Whatever problem you may be encountering today, go the Owner and ask Him for the solution. After all, He made you, He knows you, and He knows the answers. And today, if you don’t know the owner of this world, you can. Call upon Jesus Christ to save you from your sin and He is faithful to save all that call upon His name in a heart-borne faith. And then, as life’s deals those frustrating little idiosyncrasies, simply go to the owner of your life and ask Him what to do. And as simple as flipping a little hidden switch under the dash, God can reveal the solution. After all, He is the owner.

“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” Hebrews 3:4

“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Revelation 4:11

“Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.” 1 Corinthians 8:6

un campo de flores (a field of flowers), Atlixco, Mexico

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