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Psalm 9 - A Life Revolving

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2

One of the most amazing things in the universe to behold is just that…the universe. Gigantic bodies of complex organic material floating, revolving, and rotating as they hang in the nothingness of empty black space. No wires, no cables, no support structure to be found, they simply exist the way God placed them in Genesis 1. At the very center of the solar system is the sun, a ball of hydrogen and helium that burns at around 27 million degrees fahrenheit. As a result of its tremendous mass, the rest of the solar system if more than happy to revolve around its gravitational pull. Whether the revolving journey takes 365 days like the Earth, or 60,190 days like Neptune, all the planets plod a journey that sees them revolve around one central Heavenly body. But if you were to ponder the similarities of God’s central heavenly body, the sun, and His only Son, Jesus Christ, the redeemer of the world, you would need to ask yourself…upon what does my life make the central focus today? Upon what does my life truly revolve around today?

King David is crystal clear in the analysis of his life’s revolution. He starts out the 9th Psalm with tremendous clarity of vision, starting the Psalm with a precedent that is followed throughout the poem. David states that when he gives the Lord thanks and praise, when he recounts the goodness of God, and when he then rejoices in that goodness, that the Lord receives a very specific percentage of his heart. Not 50%, not 75%, not even 95% will do for David. He is clear in stating that God is worthy of his entire heart…100%, the whole enchilada. You see, King David looked around in his day, and just as today, saw different hearts beating around him. He saw hearts that knew of God but rested in him less than 10%. He saw hearts that eagerly recognized God and His Law but only did about 25% of it in their hearts. And David also saw believers that worshiped God with religious effeciency, offering the required sacrifices and taking all the appropriate steps at the temple, yet their hearts were only invested 80%. King David knew that anything less than giving God his whole heart was not what God requested. You see, the creator of the universe, the maker of mankind, the lover of souls, desires for his children to live a life that revolves in totality around His one true Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the single hardest aspects of following Christ is obedience. As a heart calls on Christ for Salvation, it’s not simply now a life of cruising along until Heaven, Jesus has a job for you. You weren’t added to the eternal roll call of Heaven to simply sit back and do your own will. Now that you belong to Christ, He will ask that you help build His Kingdom and allow others to hear of and rest in the peace and joy of His Salvation. And to do that, you will have to listen to Jesus and do what He asks with your whole heart. I hear many people say that they have a hard time hearing God speak to them, but in reality, I think many people have an easy time hearing what God is speaking to them, they are just not hearing what they want to hear. Today, no matter where you are in your walk with Christ, do this…pledge your whole heart to Christ. Not 94%, not 79%, not everything in your life but your one vice. Lay your whole heart upon the table and right beside it place your yes to God. And as you allow your whole heart to rest in the capable hands of Jesus, allow Him to guide your entire life. Whatever He asks, allow your obedient life to revolve around Jesus and the perfect plan He has just for you. Give your whole heart to Christ today watch your obedience bloom like a dew-laden spring rose.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” Matthew 22:36-37

un hermoso camino (a beautiful path) Val'Quirico, Mexico

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