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  • Writer's pictureDan Potter


Good morning and welcome to another day of the 5 Minute Challenge. If your new to the site, welcome! If you’re curious as to what exactly the 5 minute challenge is, please be sure to check out the ‘What is the 5MC’ tab at the top right of the home page. Whether new or returning visitor, I hope you accept the challenge and are willing to allow God to infiltrate your daily schedule and you’re journey today with His truth, principles and wisdom that will change the way you view your world. Give it a try and as you do please email me through the site and let me know how it goes!

Yesterday was another beautiful day, oh how the sunshine warms my soul as well as my skin. I’ve always been a sunshine guy. I think about the old cartoon character Birdman. He got his power from the sun and if he spent too much time out of the sunshine he would have to ‘power up’ with some time in the sunshine in order to be at his strongest to fight the bad guys. I don’t know about me fighting bad guys but time in the sun for me is a blessing. I don’t know what to think about the coming cold though. We’ve missed several winters while on Maui and I don’t know what to think about a biting cold wind on my face. I am however so looking forward to lighting up the new fireplace and enjoying some time warming my bones beside the fire.

Today we’re in Romans 14, which deals with some of the more innocuous areas of Christian conduct. Yesterday in Romans 13 we saw just the opposite, we saw very clear definitions of Christian conduct. The duty of the Christian to the government is submission. He is to obey the laws of the land, pay his taxes, and show respect to those in authority. The believer is also to be submissive to his neighbor, not owing them anything, not committing adultery, murder, stealing, coveting or bearing false witness. It’s summed up as to “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Romans 13:9b)

In chapter 14 it deals with areas of Christian conduct in which the Bible has no clear word. Paul addresses how we are to walk in these and also how we are not to judge others and their choices in these matters. Paul warns us against the dangers of condemning questionable matters which are not expressly forbidden in Scripture.

For an example, lets look at the use of tobacco. God’s word does not expressly forbid the use of Tobacco. So can a person smoke and still have Christ as their Savior? Absolutely yes. But I don’t like smoking and I don't think people should do it. Doesn’t matter, Paul tells us here that we are not allowed to judge anyone’s choices if it is not dealt with directly in God’s Word. God’s Word also does not address fast food. If you eat fast food every day it could cause you to become unhealty and that’s bad right. Not your problem. You are not to look at someone’s choices and judge if the scripture doesn’t speak of it first. Now notice here that this does not mean that we are to condone any type of lifestyle if it’s in direct violation of God’s Word. If a fellow brother or sister is living in adultery then it’s a completely different situation than what we’re speaking of here. We are still not to stand in judgment but we could still approach them as a brother or sister in Christ to address the blatant sin in their lives.

Paul primarily uses eating and food as his reference in chapter 14 to make his point. In the Old testament there were strict rules regarding food. Clean versus unclean. As Jesus came he abolishes these rules saying that He has made all things clean for us to eat. (Acts 10:15 my paraphrase) Paul uses this food and eating reference throughout the chapter to make clear that if someone chooses to eat meat, that’s ok. If they choose to not eat meat, that’s ok too. Either way if they call upon the name of Jesus they are a Christian. We should not judge them by the food that they eat but by their walk with Christ.

Today anything that is not expressly mentioned in God’s Word will fall under this category. A few things that come to mind are dancing, smoking, observing a specific day to worship, etc. God says, don’t focus on these things, focus on me. If somebody wants to worship me on a Saturday night and you like to worship me on Sunday mornings, that’s ok. Don’t get hung up on the small things, look to Jesus and what was done on the Cross. Don’t judge, just love as Jesus loves you.

I hope that you all make some time for 5 minutes in God’s Word today. Time before work, time at lunch, time between classes, time tonight after dinner. Whenever you can fit it in, I just pray that you can.

As you do spend that valuable time in God’s Word today, I also pray that whatever He speaks to you that you’ll take the time to share that message with someone that he has put on your heart. God can and will use His Word to speak through you to someone that desperately needs it. That’s the beauty of how God Works.

Share the Love today that resides in God’s Words.

God bless your steps today, my beloved.

Share the Love!

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