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Writer's pictureA sister serving the Lord

Some Days I Go Like Moses

I have a dear fellow sister faithfully serving the Lord that recently shared this with me and I felt called to share. As you process, ponder, and are personally challenged by her Holy Spirit-inspired words, please pray for her and her future journey serving the Lord wherever He might lead her.

Some Days I Go Like Moses

Some days I go like Moses. Kicking and screaming, filled with excuses and anxiety about the task I have been given. Bold enough to argue with God but somehow not enough to step out in obedience.

Some days I go like the twelve spies into the Promised Land. Taking the journey but still missing what God has set before me. Every now and then my faith is strong enough to see Him working in the moment.

Some days I need confirmation before I go, like Joshua. Some days, like Gideon, I check a second and third time just to be absolutely sure.

Some days I recognize the glory of God and my own sinfulness. On those days I go willingly like Isaiah. But some days I go like Jonah, a flight risk with a heart full of bitterness and reeking of fish. Or I go like Samson, more focused on what I want and how I feel than the things I have been called to.

Some days I go like Jeremiah. Feeling too young for the things I have been asked to do. Obedient but without any real understanding of what this calling truly means for me.

Some days I go like Peter. Ready to ask hard questions, give hard answers, and speak the name of the Messiah. Ready to die for the sake of Him.

But so often, I find myself going like Simon. Completely missing the point, talking a big game, but turning and running at the first sign of adversity.

Some days I am a Son of Thunder, loud and arrogant enough to ask for the seat next to the crown. Some days I am the Beloved and I sit at the foot of the cross seeing the criminals that were given that place of honor.

Some days I go like Saul. Ready to hand out what I deem as justice. Only to have God change my heart and my name. To exchange legality for mercy. Leaving me broken for all the times I tried to be my own righteousness.

Yet God used all of these who came before me. No matter the state we were in when He found us. No matter how incredibly human we are along the way. Despite excuses and imperfections. And for those He called, He continues to walk alongside us. For His purpose is bigger than anything we bring to the table. Wider than how far we can run. And deeper than all of our fears and doubts.

Someday I want to go like Jesus. Without the hesitations and doubts I face when called to something new. With a dependency on God and the ability to see the places where God’s glory can be revealed. Being so submerged in the Word and the Spirit that the devil cannot shake me. Setting myself aside completely even when I have fears or hunger for other things.

No matter the circumstances, I want to see the harvest and rise to the task. I want to drop my nets and follow Him. I want to say, “Here I am send me.”

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

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Én kommentar

07. mai 2022

I can so relate to this! I love how she put this into words! I pray God would use me and all the life experiences He's brought me through! He's always by my side! Praise the Lord for His works and creation but most of all praise Him for His ultimate gift of love and sacrifice that I may have life eternally with Him!

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