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Writer's pictureDan Potter

The Good Good Companion

“These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my Word.” Isaiah 66:2

I woke up early and wiped the dreams from my eyes. I reached for my coffee to aid in the process, chasing away the sleep that still gripped my mind. It was different this morning, for I was not at home in Mexico, but at the house of my parents in Texas. Margie and I had been suddenly called back to speak a goodbye to her father that we had never wanted to speak. And as a result, my morning was full. Full of exhaustion, full of heartbreak, full of confusion, emotion, and sorrow. Yet as I attempted to process all of this, I simply went to the very same place I go to every single morning…quiet time with the Lord and His Words. And as I did, sitting ever so still, desperately praying for His Holy Spirit to faithfully appear and minister to me with soothing Words, it was in that moment that a realization struck me deep in my aching heart…the Word of God is so much more than just mere words. It is salvation to the sinner, wisdom to the perplexed, guidance to the wanderer, and most importantly…it is a good, good companion in this world.

I posted chapter 1 of the book of Isaiah on April 21, 2022. Ninety days. Three months, I have spent absorbing, processing, and simply sitting at the feet of the Lord, gleaning His daily message for me in this mighty prophetic book. And as I sat at my parent’s kitchen table, encountering the last of Isaiah’s 66 books, the Lord spoke into me. You have been through so much change in these 90 days; a new home in a new Mexican city, a new job, a new role, and a continued struggle with a new language. But through all of this, He spoke to me, my Words have never left your side. The book of Isaiah, the Word of God, has been a rock that anchors my life. During this time, the Word of God was indeed such a good good companion to me. And in this morning, as I found myself reeling from deep sorrowful emotions that seemed to penetrate the very marrow of my bones, I found not darkness but light. I sensed not endless gloom, but coming peace. And I felt not confusion, but Godly perception. And they granted my soul the relief it was seeking.

Today I pray that you are travelling this life with the same good companion. I pray that no matter what your morning presents you are going to the same place every single day, the mighty and majestic Word of God. For within it lies life. A life that that no person or no one thing can present. A life that God speaks into the hearts of His children, speaking just as a good good father would speak to his children as they are sitting at his feet. And in the true glory of His Word, His Godly counsel is not only available on Sundays, in church, from your pastor, or in a seminary classroom…it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Today, no matter what trials or tribulations the Lord has in your path, go to where there is comfort, peace, and wisdom…go to the feet of your Maker, go to sit at the feet of your Creator, to the throne of your Savior, Jesus Christ, the One that loves you more than you can ever possibly perceive. For there, through engaging His Words every single day, you will indeed find a good good companion for your journey.

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his Word, I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5

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