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The Lens of Self ~ 2 Samuel 23

Writer's picture: Dan PotterDan Potter

“You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty (arrogant) to bring them low.” 2 Samuel 23:28 ESV

                We live in an odd time indeed.  There was a time in our human history that if you wanted to promote yourself to the world it meant a rather extensive process.  To get yourself in front of millions of people meant that you were either on a silver screen or had done something of great (or great evil) merit that would land you on national news.  But today, if you want to promote yourself to the masses, all you need to do is collect a lot of social media followers and show them what you are eating.  Yes, I see it everywhere everyday just as you do.  People self-promoting what they eat, what they are doing, where they are at, and who they are with.  And just like that, people within our society have learned to promote themselves just as well as any well-tooled Hollywood publicist.  The question is, what truly lies within the hearts of those that are issuing the message of self-promotion?

                The 24 chapters of 2 Samuel are a roller coaster ride.  And within those 24 chapters, lies David holding onto that coaster for dear life.  We see him start the book freshly released from running for his life as God claims the life of crazy ol’ king Saul for his continued disobedience issued from a proud heart.  We then see David riding high with the Lord until it all comes crashing down in chapter 11 as David lays lusty eyes on a bathing beauty.  And for the rest of the chapter, we see David dealing with the bitter, harsh effects of his own sin.  But folks, praise be to God for His abounding grace and mercy, for He is not concerned with yesterday’s sin, but today’s repentance.  And as David wholeheartedly repents, the chapter closes on a glorious note as David sings the beauty of Psalm 18 to the Lord.  And within that poetic song lies a fact of life that cannot be escaped.  God loves a humble heart.

                The word humble is rather simple to define, yes...or is it?  To truly live the word humble in a Godly way, is anything but simple.  You see, humility is not something you say, act, or do.  In fact, humility has nothing at all to do with external acts.  But folks, it does have everything to do with the internal.  You see, the world tells us the humble are lowly, unachieved, dull, timid, and quiet.  Yet the truly humble heart doesn’t have a low opinion of self…but rather an accurate opinion of self.

                The reason David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14) is that he had crystal clear perception of who God was and who he was.  Whether David was walking closely with the Lord winning battles and writing Psalms or walking in adulterous rebellion, David’s heart never faltered in telling him who was who and how they were ordered.  And therein lies a key concept in humility.  Who you see as the most-worthy in your heart will be exalted.  And who you see as the least in your heart will be neglected or forgotten. And the God that created you and desires a close personal relationship with you is very concerned with who is sitting on the throne of your heart today.

                God directly juxtaposes the hearts of the humble and the hearts of the prideful in over 12 different verses penned by such varied men as Paul, Peter, James, Solomon, and David:  

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2

“But He gives more grace. Therefore, it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” 1 Peter 5:6

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

                As you prayerfully ask God to search the depths of your heart today, who will He find sitting on the throne of it?  As you walk through this day, who will get promoted first, you or God?  As something extraordinary happens to you and accolades come flooding your way today, who will receive the credit, you or God?  And folks, if you must stop and think about the answers to these two questions…you already have your answer.  Yet in great news, God is always ready to change the posture of our hearts.  And you change the posture of your heart by Godly influence.  You see, the world wants us to frequent social influencers on Tik-Tok, Instagram, or YouTube that truly have no benefit to our lives.  Yes, they may entertain, but they will simply leave you unsatisfied and wanting to see more follies or worldly opinions the next day.  Folks, God is the ultimate social influencer and will change the very heart that beats within your chest.  And all you have to do is follow Him.  Follow Him in His Word as you commit to a daily study of His wisdom.  Commit to follow Him as you engage Him in prayer, asking the God of the universe to guide your life in His way, care, and provision.  And mostly, follow God in the plan and purpose He has just for your life.  Shirk what the world emptily promises you and instead desperately chase after the perfect plan God has laid before you as you offer Him total and absolute obedience and availability.  But before you can claim the goodness of the above, one thing is certain, you can’t follow two gods in your life.  You need to decide who is the God of your life and who is truly worthy of promotion within it.  I challenge you to see yourself through the correct lens of self today, one that flows from a Godly humble heart, always ready to proclaim…God is God and I am not.

Blessings to you as you walk humbly today ~ Dan

“He must increase; I must decrease.” John 3:30 BSB

el centro de la cuidad de la Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
el centro de la cuidad de la Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico

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