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Writer's pictureDan Potter

The Untouched Truth ~ Romans 2

“…because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—” Romans 2:20a NIV, italics mine

Last weekend we were in the Mexico City airport waiting on our return flight to Guadalajara and as we waited I simply sat and observed the fascination that is our global society. As I sat and observed, I noticed a hazmat-suited man walking through the waiting areas misting the seats with a little battery-powered Covid fog machine. What I thought was curious was that he lightly sprayed the seat of the chairs but not the arms where the hands actually rest. It brought to mind the recent historical banality of our attempts to deal with Mr. Covid. We demanded the masses don masks but not gloves. When gloves were donned we would pretend that somehow germs would not adhere to a pair of gloves. The insanity of man’s attempt to control Covid was that we really thought we could somehow control the spread of a molecule that is 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. The result being that in spite of best efforts, our world was contaminated. And just how do you combat a world that is totally contaminated? Which brings me to a similar vein of thought…but substitute Covid molecules for absolute truth. The point being, how do you find pure, uncontaminated truth in a world that has contaminated that very truth?

The book of Romans uses the word God 153 times, or an average of once every 46 words, which is the highest usage in the entire New Testament. Paul is crystal clear in his letter to the Roman church; He wants to tell them about God, the ways of God, and the way to God. And as a result of Paul going deep in his monologue on the ways of God, we see the word truth fly fast and frequent in his glorious oration. But how do you truly attempt to define truth in the world today, when just as a free-flying viral molecule, it has been touched and contaminated by each and every set of impure hands that has ever handled it? Well, it would seem logical to say that the only way to get pure truth is to get to it before it has ever had the chance to get contaminated. That is, to get it directly from the source before human hands have had the chance to color it with the blackness of the sin that sits waiting within every beating human heart.

One of my favorite definitions of truth focuses on just this, “Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God.” It’s the idea that if your journey is to truly locate and garner untouched, unhindered, unbiased, and uncontaminated truth, you need to go to the mouth of the spring, not the body of the lake. And it is here that I believe every human starts their journey upon this planet…to locate, partake, and rest in, pure and absolute truth.

For me this truth-journey turned up loose ends countless times. I looked to the truth of the world, self-satisfaction, which tells you to look out for #1, do what feels good, and ignore others if if contradicts with self. I looked to the truth of knowledge and education, which is mere regurgitation of facts after only being processed and colored by the one delivering the material. I looked to the truth of others, only to be disappointed time after time by those, that themselves, were incapable of finding and processing the very thing I was seeking. And then one day the search ended as I was introduced to the Word of God. Since then, after countless tests, trials, and proofs, I have personally found it to stand upon exactly what it claims, God’s truth…pure and uncontaminated by this world.

Wherever you may be in your journey for the truth, I challenge you to encounter and test the Word of God. Hold it up to the light, use it as a lens to process your world, and test it in the fires of the crucible. And as you do, I pray that you do so with a heart that is open to what you will find. For the one that is truly seeking the truth with all of their heart, is promised by Almighty God to find what their heart is seeking.

“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11

And the person that finds that truth will find the One that is the truth…

“Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” John 14:6

And as a heart that has now sought the truth, found the truth that is the Lord Jesus Christ, and put the faith of their heart in the salvation of the truth of Christ, they will know freedom indeed…

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Blessings to you in your search for absolute truth, if you are reading this your journey is being prayed for ~ Dan

a day to dream about, Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico

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