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The Word, the Will, and the Way ~ Leviticus 8

Writer: Dan PotterDan Potter

Then he presented the other ram, the ram of ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. And he killed it, and Moses took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron's right ear and on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.”  Leviticus 8:22-23 ESV

                My grandpa used to say, “show me your friends and I’ll tell you where you’re going.”  So true in the essence of how your current circle of influence will dictate your steps, your direction, your actions, and your eventual future destination.  And as I gain yet more years, I realize that just as always, Grandad was right.  I think many times we are ignorant to this simple fact, that birds of a feather do indeed flock closely together.  And those birds end up imitating each other in flight patterns, migration habits, and even eating and mating behaviors.  But what would you think if I were to tell you that the basic principle of my grandpa’s saying was mentioned in the Old Testament book of Leviticus?  And beyond that, what would you say if I were to tell you that in addition to mentioning the concept, God, as always, offers a perfect and righteous solution to the possible error of ignoring it and following the wrong influences in this world?  Interested?  Read on.

                The book of Leviticus is curious to behold. And even more interesting if you commit to a slow and methodical study of it.  It starts with the careful description of 8 different offerings to the Lord (burnt, grain, sin, guilt, ordination, peace, wave, heave) and then moves on to the dedication of the priests, to clean versus unclean animals, and then to such various topics as cleansing lepers, cleaning leper’s houses, purification after childbirth, the feasts, keeping vows, and keeping the sabbath.  The Lord was very clear in telling His people exactly what He expected from them, how they should act, and how they should walk in His ways. (and by the way, it has not changed today in that the Lord in His Word has clearly told us what He expects of us) But gently lying below the surface, ready to be discovered in chapter 8 of Leviticus lies a true gem.  The ordination process of the priests from the tribe of Levi.  And if you blink you miss the significance.

                God is concerned about His children.  He is concerned with how we act, how we talk, where we walk, and how we love others.  And rightly so, isn’t any father desirous that his children would be a good and loving addition to this world, representing him well?  Well, here in our study verse above we see Moses, under careful instruction of the Lord, perform what seems to be a very odd ceremony.  As he is ordaining the head priests, Aaron and his two sons, he takes some blood from the sacrificial ordination ram and places some its blood on their right ear, their right hand, and their right foot. (the right side simply because it is the dominant side for 90% of all humans) Folks, this is beyond powerful.  The blood on the right ear said, “this one should hear God first.” The blood on the right thumb said, “this one should put his hand to do God’s will first.” The blood on the big toe of the right foot said, “this one should follow God’s path first.”

                So the question poses, do you consider yourself an ordained priest of God today?  Well, regardless of what you think, God’s Word says that if you have repented of your sin and in faith asked Jesus Christ to be your personal Lord and Savior, you are. (1 Peter 2:9) That means that you are called to act like a priest of God, talk like a priest of God, and walk like a priest of God.  And just how do you do that?  Read on.

1) Hearing God first (the blood on the right ear).  God is always speaking, the question is, are you listening?  If I were to run up to you today and tell you that God has written you personal instructions for an abundant life full of joy, freedom, and purpose, would you be excited? (your answer here should be yes) Well, guess what brother or sister in Christ…He has! It’s called the Bible, the scriptures, or the Word of God.  But to hear God’s personal message for your life, you must open up that love letter and read it.  And beyond just a mere glance at it, you must devour it just as you would a treasured love letter from a loved one that loves you ever so deeply.  Folks, without a deep John 15 abiding relationship with your heavenly Father through His Word, you will not only be missing the message He has for you, but you will be open to listening to another message that is reaching your ears, the message of your lost friends, the message of this dark world, or even worse, the message of your own sinful deceitful heart that you cannot master or understanding. (Jeremiah 17:9)

2) Doing God’s will first (the blood on the right hand).  The Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) includes this line, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  If the Lord is perfect (and my systematic theology says He is) then I would very much like to have His perfect will executed in my life over my own imperfect will or the imperfect will of this world.  So, the key is to in step 1, hear from God through His Word and then determine His will…and then do it.  If you hear the Word of God, determine His Will, and then don’t do it, you might as well have never done any of it.  The proof is in the pudding…hear, discern, and then DO what God is asking of you.  As Nike says, get those hands moving in the will of Christ and “just do it.”

3) Follow God’s way (the blood on the right big toe).  Where you walk determines where you end up.  And God is not only concerned with where you end up, but how you get there.  After you have sat with God, hearing Him through His Words to you and then discerned His will for your life through working with your hands, He will desire you to do that job in a location He has just for you.  You see, there is one constant with the men and women in God’s Word…He sends and uses His people where He needs them.  The great commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20) does not say “stay” and make disciples of all nations.  It says go and make disciples of all nations.  And well, go means go.  Go is a verb, and your feet make verbs happen.  God has a job specifically for you and very specific place for you to do it in.  The priests of God were (and are today) called to move their feet in rhythm with their Maker wherever He may call them.

                Folks, today look at your ears, your hands, and your feet.  Are they marked with the blood of Jesus Christ?  Are they forever stained by the sacrificial blood of Christ as He bought you out of the slavery of your sin?  If you have been redeemed by Christ, the marks are there, and He is asking something of you as His servant.  To hear from Him before you consult yourself, your friends, or this world.  To get your hands moving to complete His will, not your own.  And to get those redeemed feet going to complete His will, wherever that may be on His big green orb.

A life lived in full obedience to the Word, the Will, and the Way of the Lord is a life that has finally found the abundant life indeed.  Blessings ~ Dan

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico



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