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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Through the Clouds - China 2019

The wheels just left the ground of Texas and the plane is heading steeply upward. The throb of the engines drum in my head as I ponder my next 26 days in China. The hot yellow sun of Texas has yet to burn through the clouds and the gloominess seems endless as we continue to ascend. As we enter the clouds one of my favorite transitions happens. We lose sight. We enter the clouds and they envelope us. A snowy haze surrounds the plane and from every window the view is the same, one of soft white opaqueness. But as the engines force us ahead, a transformation happens. The fogginess starts to give way to light. We slowly move up through the clouds until at last, I see a glimpse of sunshine. Soon the sun beams through and abundant sunshine bathes the plane’s interior in its radiant goodness. For a brief moment we could not see the horizon but in a matter of time all was revealed in perfect clarity and light.

What a beautiful image of life God has given me this morning as I start my month long journey to China. There are so many moments in life where the sun becomes obscured by the clouds. The clear vision that we once enjoyed becomes muddied by the events of life. We strain to see ahead of us but alas, the vision of what lies ahead is lost. What do we do? Do we slow? Do we stop? Do we turn around or do we forge ahead without the knowledge of what lies just beyond?

This my friends, is called faith. You see no matter how our vision is limited, God can see it all. He knows our future, He knows our path and He guides our steps. When you find yourself in the clouds, don’t stop, don’t turn and don’t doubt. We serve a mighty, sovereign God and He guides the steps of those that call upon the name of Jesus Christ. Your journey today might be obscured by the clouds but tomorrow could be completely different. Your faith and dependence upon God’s plan for your life could quickly have you coming through the clouds to bask in the sunshine of His love and provision.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Blessings for your day and may the sunshine of God shine on you brightly.

Through the Clouds

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1 Comment

Josiah Starr
Jul 30, 2019

Good word! What a beautiful representation of relationship and trust in God in our daily life. Thank you Jesus that He will bring us to the light! Thanks for sharing Dan!

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