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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Through the Clouds Part II

For the second time in 38 days I find myself sitting on a plane as it slowly climbs into the sky, shedding the clouds and heading for the light. The flight this morning was a very early flight and as I look out the window at 30,000 feet, I see the darkness submit to the light. A new day is being breathed into existence by the author of life. But this time it’s much different. What lies ahead is not only geographically a much different location, but in its essence a much different trip. Already it just feels different. One big reason is my travelling partner. As I sit with God’s Word and write this, I look over and see my Margie next to me. Peacefully napping, the sun streaming through the small window, illuminating her delicate face. As I write about coming through the clouds this time, there is a peace her companionship brings to me. It makes me think about the comfort in our relationships and where that comfort originates.

5 weeks ago, I started the trip to China in much the same manner, minus Margie. Me on a plane, early in the morning, pondering the adventures before me and starting the day studying God’s Word. It strikes me that regardless of my Eartlhy companion, the one constant traveling companion I have is the Holy Spirit of God. No matter where I go, no matter how I travel, no matter how alone I may be or feel, The Lord is my constant companion. My guide, my protector, my comfort.

As I mull this it makes me think about all of our relationships. Whether it be family or friends, work or romantic, casual or intimate, they all follow one primary criteria, they must be pursued. I can think of no quality, personal relationship that can thrive when one of the participants does not pursue the relationship. It makes me think of the ol’ high school days. Your friends throughout high school seemed to be the best friends that you would ever have in this life. You studied, played, competed and laughed through many of the formative years of your life. But what happened as soon a graduation wrapped? You grew apart. Quickly. You see for so many, including myself, school itself had been the glue that bound and as it dissolved, the relationships were not pursued. As a result, they faded away until all you had was an aged yearbook with young faces on every page and sweet notes penned in the back. It’s hard to admit but for many, this is true of their relationship with God. What once may have been sweet and meaningful is now just a distant memory.

So the real question is, do we pursue God? Do we desperately chase after a close, intimate relationship with Him or do we simply rely on Him pursuing us? For many years of my life I lived it in the latter. I knew God was close, but I did so very little to kindle the relationship, keep it alive or move it ahead. I just simply assumed that God would do all the heavy lifting and keep Himself close to me. But recall the old saying, “if you find yourself far from God, He’s not the one that did the moving.” You see, without a desire to constantly move closer to God, we are destined to drift away like a kite with a broken string. Slowly and gently floating away into the distance until all you see is a bright speck upon the horizon.

So you might be asking, how do I draw near to God and even more importantly, how do I stay close to God and pursue a close and meaningful relationship with Him? I’m glad you asked, I think there a few things you can practice starting immediately that will radically move you closer to your Heavenly Father.

1) Be intentional. If I stopped making time for Margie, our relationship would suffer immediately. Without time spent together, any relationship will stop growing and start deteriorating. Be intentional and set aside time for God each day. Make an appointment, put it on your calendar and treat it just like an important business meeting. Set a time, a place and a location for your meeting. I even know some people that have an empty chair in their meeting place reserved just for God. A beautiful picture of God’s proximity to us and His willingness to meet us anywhere and anytime. As you schedule this appointment treat it with the high priority of just what it is, the creator of the world and everything in it, taking time to meet with one of His precious children to hear from them.

2) Communicate. Without good effective communication any relationship will suffer at the hands of mediocrity. Margie and I treasure our talks and no matter what time of day they might spawn; we are both ready to sit and talk. Some conversations are very topical and easy, and some can quickly turn very deep and can even culminate in a tearful prayer. It just depends, but they’re all so very important. How do you talk to the Lord? I’ve heard it said that God speaks to us through His Word and we speak to Him through prayer. Both are true, but I do know that in order to hear from the Lord you have to be still. As with any quality communication, you have to remove all distractions and focus on the person in front of you. As you have that appointment with the Lord today, have it in a quiet place and do nothing but be still and focus on Him. No texts, no Facebook, no news, no distractions. You wouldn't do that to an important business client, why would you do it to God? You’ll be surprised at the results as you enjoy blessed, uninterrupted communion with your Maker. Sweet communion indeed. And, by the way, he’ll meet with you as often as you need Him and for as long as you need Him, the Lord will never turn down an appointment with you!

3) Study His Word daily. God gave us two ears and one mouth so considering the above comment about the communication channels with the Lord, it seems we should spend more time listening to God than talking to God. This listening happens through a deep, daily study of His Word. I can’t stress this enough and it’s the reason the 5MC even exists, “to encourage all to grow in God daily through His Word.” There is no power on this planet that has a greater potential to radically change your life and your relationship with God than through studying His Holy Word daily. I’m going to state something very simple and very straightforward. If you want a better, deeper, more personal and enlightening relationship with Jesus Christ, start a deep and daily study of His Word. If you want to remain distant and have a mediocre relationship with God, don’t. It’s a choice...your choice.

If you find yourself travelling through this life today, feeling a bit lonely, know that you are not alone. The God of the universe is always near, and He seeks a loving personal relationship with you. But you have to reach out, you have to draw near to Him...pursue Him. Make time for Him today in the busyness of your life. Make room for Him in your hectic schedule. Spend time studying His life-changing Word and speak openly and freely with Him.

God is very near, reach out and take His hand. It is always open and ready, and with a love that will transform your soul.

Blessings from beautiful Cozumel, Mexico.

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Aug 13, 2019

So thankful you and Margie are able to spend time together. I so agree with all you had to say about our relationship with GOD our Father. My time with God has had to change over the years, from teen-ager to wife then Mother of 4. I say I have never retired, because I did not work outside of my home after my first child was born, so I still am doing the same things I did in 1952 as I am doing now. No small children, but Great-Grands to tell of Jesus and friends in my senior community to share about Jesus and His love and forgiveness. I can set my time each day, and I find I still…

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