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Writer's pictureDan Potter

Titus 1 - The New Testament Church

Good morning and good Monday. I trust you all had a great weekend full of fun, friends, food and football. It’s always a great time of the year to be a football fan because even if you’re not a fan of the particular teams playing, all the games are high stakes. It makes watching a little more interesting.

Marge and I had a fantastic weekend. She had the ultra rare opportunity to have the whole weekend off. We made the best of it and had lots of time for fellowship with friends, time at church, and even got to take a few naps. I love naps. Is it just me or is the perfect nap on a cloudy, cold, drizzly day with a football game on quietly in the background?

This morning we once again have the privilege of starting a new book in God’s Word, the book of Titus. As we move along through the New Testament the books generally get shorter and shorter, so even reading just 5 minutes a day, we are really making progress. There is only 3 chapters in the book of Titus so we’ll be done with it on Wednesday and on Thursday we’ll start the book of Hebrews. (which by the way is a funny joke around our house about why I should make the coffee every morning)

The book of Titus is written by the apostle Paul and as you probably guessed, it was written to Titus. This is one of the three “Pastoral Epistles” written by Paul, the first two being 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. Titus was a gentile pastoring (or over-seeing) several churches on the Greek isle of Crete. Paul is writing to instruct him in the basics of church leadership, specifically appointing the elders (leaders) of several churches on the island. “This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.” Titus 1:5.

Paul wrote the book of Titus about the same time he wrote the book of 1 Timothy, 64-67AD. It contains similar information, since both deal with the qualifications of deacons and elders of the church. I covered these same qualifications in 1 Timothy chapter 3 in depth. If you missed them or would like a refresher, please backtrack and read it again on Just go to the books of the bible, find 1 Timothy, then scroll down to chapter 3.

The book of Titus has a very simple, logical order within its three chapters. In fact, in its simplicity it holds the three basic elements that all New Testament churches should adhere to today. The ideal church according to the book of Titus should have 1) an orderly organization, 2) be sound in doctrine and 3) be pure in life and ready for every good work. 3 elements, 3 chapters. Chapter one deals with the order and leadership of the church. The elders and leaders and their duties and qualifications. Chapter 2 emphasizes sound doctrine, that the church should simply teach and preach the Word of God. And then in chapter 3 we see that the church should be pure and blameless and be performing good works. Simple in order, logical in presentation and effective in its message. Beautiful.

That brings up a great point. Logical order in God’s Word. God created the heavens and the Earth and within that there is an unbelievable order. I’ve read countless articles about simple facts that if altered minutely, would greatly alter or even eliminate life on Earth. The angle of the axis of the Earth, the atmoshperical makeup, the combined delicate existence of man, animal and plant. The complexity of the galaxies and universes are boundless in volume yet beautiful in their logical and orderly appearance. It is no different with God’s Holy Word. At first glance most people assume that God’s Word is just a hodge podge of letters, stories and tales that are all thrown together in one big, heavy confusing book. Not true. If you skim the surface of the Bible and try to undertake it without the help of the Holy Spirit and proper preparation in prayer, it will seem like that. But if you go deeper, you will find an order, an outline and a rhythm to God’s Word that reveals Himself. God is a God of order and harmony and it rings true in His Word as well.

So today in chapter 1, Paul focuses on defining the leadership that Titus should be appointing in the churches in Crete. No matter what the organization, group, company or team, without excellent leadership it will wallow in mediocrity or even worse, suffer total failure. Leadership and order is essential and no different within the body of Christ. Paul clearly defines the qualifications for the elders of the church:

“Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. 8 Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” Titus 1:7-9

To have quality leadership you must have a quality leader. If the leader is flawed, his leadership will be flawed. When leading the body of Christ, the quality of the leader is beyond imperative. You must be firm in the faith, be able to teach God’s Word and be able to minister to others in a way that constantly promotes and furthers their relationship with Christ. Church leadership is not for everyone. Just because you speak well doesn’t make you and church leader. Just because you are successful in your job doesn’t mean you will be a good church leader. Just because you have a big house, new car and own your own company does not mean that you will be a good church leader. So what makes a great church leader? Well, everything that Paul mentioned above. Read it and re-read it, it’s all there.

It’s important to note that these are not guidelines. These are not suggestions. God is telling us here with authority, that if you want to have a successful leader in the body of Christ, these are the characteristics that must be present, no excuses. Notice that all of these can easily be equated as characteristics of Christ, not man. When men turn inwards to self worship, they cannot no matter how hard they try, properly worship the Father and the Son. When these are merely taken as a suggestion and men are elected on Earthly achievements or raw charisma, turmoil will follow. God’s way equals victory and harmony, man's way equals failure and chaos. True in our personal walk with Jesus and true in leading the body of Christ.

Yet another great lesson on what is required of someone that wants to lead for the Lord. Not an easy task but one reserved for people that are truly worthy of leading with these Godly principles. I pray today that you are blessed with Godly leaders within your local church. Many of these men as they operate with humbleness, might be doing much, but seen little. Seek them out and thank them. Thank them for fulfilling the Godly leadership that Paul describes this morning. And pray for them. Any person that seeks to serve God on an elevated plane will be a major target for satan. Pray for them and that their leadership will be based on and remain in the principles we studied today in God’s Word.

Blessings for your week.

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